
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020


Hello bloggers, this week we will talk about a topic that is of utmost importance in the world, feminism. Feminism as the actress Emma Watson says in the speech shown in class is: "The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes." Unfortunately, many times this definition is distorted and a hatred of the sexes begins, creating the situation where one comes to think that feminism is hatred towards men, which is not the case because feminism seeks equal opportunities in all areas, either political, economic, labor between men and women, if I emphasize that feminism repudiates men who abuse their power both physical and psychological over a woman, because unfortunately women are the focus of thousands of "aggressors", for this reason from a very young age they teach us to take care of ourselves and defend ourselves from this type of aggressive man. From my perspective

My Future Job

Hello bloggers, this week I will tell you about my future work. As I told you in previous blogs, I study Chemistry and Pharmacy in college, with this profession I imagine myself in two things, firstly being a clinical pharmacist, since I find it very entertaining to solve clinical cases, however, in Chile it is a bit The clinical scope is limited, so I imagine myself in another country exercising my career. The other thing that I would like to be able to dedicate myself to is also cosmetics, and that is why I would like to live in an Asian country where skin care is essential for the population, if I dedicate myself to this field I could travel a lot since various are needed views and research when developing a cosmetic product. In both cases, my career covers these areas since these courses are compulsory in the curriculum, that is, I must take Pharmaceutical Cosmetics and Clinical Pharmacology in order to qualify. However, for me it is essential to be able to do a master's or doc

My Pet

Hello bloggers today I will tell you about my pet. My pet is an 8-year-old cat, called Mimi, she came to my house 6 years ago, because a neighbor moved house and left her forgotten, from that moment she went to my house and has lived with my family cheering our days. She is a very affectionate kitten, she does not scratch, she does not fight, she is very calm, but at lunchtime she is very crazy, since she wants to eat everything, for that reason now she is a little fat. When I first arrived at my house, my mother did not love her, but over time she has learned to love her very much, to the point that she runs to buy her food when she sees that there is little left. Mimi is my grandfather's regalona, ​​it always happens with him, he has even trained her and the cat gives the leg, she is very well educated, hahaha. Nowadays I am a little worried about how old she is since she is a great company for my family, especially when I am not at home because I have to be in Santiago for the U

My Profession

Hello bloggers, this week I will tell you a little about the profession I have chosen, this is to be Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Among the positive aspects I can highlight that it is a very broad profession in the labor field, since you can dedicate yourself to the investigative part, to the industrial part of drug manufacturing, private pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, quality management, pharmaceutical legislation, etc.  It is also a career of great effort and social work, since it fulfills an important function in the health field, which is to be able to dispense medicines. One of the benefits of this profession is that there is great help to people, since medicines are very important in the treatment of various pathologies and people need them, so there is a community effort to help the patient and this can improve your quality of life as much as possible. I chose this profession because I really like chemistry and I also like to perform various social tasks, and for me, pharmaceutical c