My Future Job

Hello bloggers, this week I will tell you about my future work.

As I told you in previous blogs, I study Chemistry and Pharmacy in college, with this profession I imagine myself in two things, firstly being a clinical pharmacist, since I find it very entertaining to solve clinical cases, however, in Chile it is a bit The clinical scope is limited, so I imagine myself in another country exercising my career. The other thing that I would like to be able to dedicate myself to is also cosmetics, and that is why I would like to live in an Asian country where skin care is essential for the population, if I dedicate myself to this field I could travel a lot since various are needed views and research when developing a cosmetic product.

In both cases, my career covers these areas since these courses are compulsory in the curriculum, that is, I must take Pharmaceutical Cosmetics and Clinical Pharmacology in order to qualify. However, for me it is essential to be able to do a master's or doctorate in either of these two areas in order to develop as a good professional.

Regarding salary, both areas are very well paid, but clinical Pharmacology is undoubtedly more lucrative since, unfortunately, diseases will always exist.

Well that's it for this week, bye bloggers.


  1. I think that if you want to be a clinical pharmacist you have to go to another country to get better options sadly:(


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