
Hello bloggers, this week we will talk about a topic that is of utmost importance in the world, feminism.

Feminism as the actress Emma Watson says in the speech shown in class is: "The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes." Unfortunately, many times this definition is distorted and a hatred of the sexes begins, creating the situation where one comes to think that feminism is hatred towards men, which is not the case because feminism seeks equal opportunities in all areas, either political, economic, labor between men and women, if I emphasize that feminism repudiates men who abuse their power both physical and psychological over a woman, because unfortunately women are the focus of thousands of "aggressors", for this reason from a very young age they teach us to take care of ourselves and defend ourselves from this type of aggressive man. From my perspective this should not happen because men are not taught to defend themselves or dress in a defined way because they could be attacked physically, psychologically or sexually on the street, this situation could be prevented if both sexes were taught mutual respect and that each of us is a valuable human being that we must care for and adore.

That's all bloggers, I hope that future generations this issue is already more ingrained and both men and women have the equality that we want so much, while the fight for gender equality continues.


  1. I really loved your post, feminism is way more important than people may believe

  2. We don't even realize all the attitudes that we have taken since childhood to avoid situations, and that must change now


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