My Profession

Hello bloggers, this week I will tell you a little about the profession I have chosen, this is to be Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Among the positive aspects I can highlight that it is a very broad profession in the labor field, since you can dedicate yourself to the investigative part, to the industrial part of drug manufacturing, private pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, quality management, pharmaceutical legislation, etc.  It is also a career of great effort and social work, since it fulfills an important function in the health field, which is to be able to dispense medicines.

One of the benefits of this profession is that there is great help to people, since medicines are very important in the treatment of various pathologies and people need them, so there is a community effort to help the patient and this can improve your quality of life as much as possible.

I chose this profession because I really like chemistry and I also like to perform various social tasks, and for me, pharmaceutical chemistry encompasses both. Also mention that this profession has good job expectations and that assures me of good economic stability in the future.

This is it, thanks for reading, until next time.


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